Monthly Archives: February 2020

February Funk: Keeping Cool When It’s Cold

Content by Sara Dalrymple, RSW MSW BA Psych., BANA Registered Social Worker ______________________________________________________________________________ February Funk: Keeping Cool When It’s Cold We’ve all been there – fresh off the excitement of the holiday season, January and February roll in and slowly our mood starts to deteriorate. We begin to feel blue and lethargic, and long

February Funk: Keeping Cool When It’s Cold2022-03-22T09:26:33-04:00

BANA Launches Podcast

Be Yourself. Healthy. Happy. Hopeful. Introducing BANA's new podcast!  Created through a collaboration between Ph.D student from University of Windsor, Sara Santarossa and the Bulimia Anorexia Nervosa Association (BANA); - "Be Yourself. Healthy. Happy. Hopeful." - is our latest avenue into educating the public and promote healthy, active lifestyles.  Hosted by BANA health promoter,

BANA Launches Podcast2020-02-05T11:07:10-05:00
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