BE YOURSELF Healthy. Happy. Hopeful.

The Impact of Social Trends on Body Image and Mental Health

Respecting a World with

Food and Wellness through and Indigenous Lens

Lived Experience, Support and Recovery

Thriving under Pressure and Turning Self Criticism into Self-Compassion

EDAW 2021: Raising Awareness & Encouraging Advocacy

Managing an Eating Disorder during the Holiday Season

Viewing Mental Health from a New Perspective

Learning About Eating Disorder Treatment at BANA.

Exploring Intuitive Eating, Disordered Eating and Enjoying It All.

An athlete’s perspective on caring for your mental health during life transitions.

Using Momement, Gratitude and Being Aware of your Energy to Enhance your Mental Health

Being Real & Raw Online and Embracing the Sour Parts of Life

Mental Health Challenges during COVID-19

Topic: Being a Positive Influencer for Today’s Youth

Topic: Supporting girls through healthy active living

Topic: Male Athletes, Masculinity & Role Modelling

Topic: Promoting Positive Body Image In Our Community

Topic: Learning To Love Your Body

In partnership with Windsor Essex Community Health Centre – Teen Health, BANA provides a centralized intake service to residents of Windsor-Essex. Intake services are provided free of charge to all ages. By streamlining inquiries and access to treatment, this allows our team to provide continuity in care.