Windsor Essex Intensive Outpatient Program for Eating Disorders

Launched May 2022 in partnership with the Bulimia Anorexia Nervosa Association (BANA), the Windsor Essex Community Health Centre, Teen Health site (weCHC THC) and Windsor Regional Hospital (WRH) – the Windsor-Essex Intensive Outpatient Program (WEIOP) for Eating Disorders is a first of its kind for this region and is funded through Ontario Health.
Facilitated by a multi-disciplinary, multi-agency team; the WEIOP will offer a variety of groups and individual sessions, along with supervised meal support. This program is for individuals aged 16 years and older with complex eating disorders who have not successfully responded to less intensive program; or for individuals “stepping down” from more intensive treatments.
This service has been developed to address the needs of individuals who require treatment for anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, and other specified feeding or eating disorders. CLICK HERE FOR MORE.
Note: Psychiatry services provided at Windsor Regional Hospital
To contact the Windsor Essex Intensive Outpatient Program for Eating Disorders, call us toll free at:

Funding for the WEIOP is provided by Ontario Health