Clinical Services

Assessment / Intake

BANA, in partnership with the Teen Health-Windsor Essex Community Health Centre, provides centralized intake for new client inquiries and referrals for  residents of Windsor and Essex County. This service is provided to all ages, free of charge (Ontario residents) and will streamline your access to treatment
and provide a continuum of care while answering your questions and requests for assistance. The toll-free number is open weekdays from 9am – 5pm and has voice mail during off hours or if the Intake Coordinator is assisting another individual. Every effort will be made to contact you as soon as possible.

Please note: due to high volume of applicant requests there is an extended wait period for our program and services at this time.


Contact Us

To access this service contact us at 1.855.969.5530 or submit the information form below.

Please be advised that the tollfree number and form are not monitored 24/7 and are not crisis services.

If you are in crisis in the WindsorEssex Area please contact the Community Crisis Centre at 519-973-4435

Assessment / Intake

BANA, in partnership with the Teen Health-Windsor Essex Community Health Centre, provides centralized intake for new client inquiries and referrals for  residents of Windsor and Essex County. This service is provided to all ages, free of charge (Ontario residents) and will streamline your access to treatment
and provide a continuum of care while answering your questions and requests for assistance. The toll-free number is open weekdays from 9am – 5pm and has voice mail during off hours or if the Intake Coordinator is assisting another individual. Every effort will be made to contact you as soon as possible.

Groups and Workshops

RSVP with your primary clinician

Eligibility for BANA’s  Groups and Workshops is based on a clients individualized treatment plan.
Please discuss with your Clinician/Dietitian before registering.


Intro to Treatment Workshops are designed for existing BANA clients who have been assessed and diagnosed to help prepare them for CBT-E. Workshop will include information on the CBT-E treatment such as structure of treatment, expectations and importance of homework.


Nutrition Workshops are designed for existing BANA clients who have been assessed and diagnosed to help prepare them for CBT-E. The workshop is run by our RD who will discuss her place in the CBT-E Treatment and the role nutrition plays in recovery.


Intro to Treatment Workshops are designed for existing BANA clients who have been assessed and diagnosed to help prepare them for CBT-E. Workshop will include information on the CBT-E treatment such as structure of treatment, expectations and importance of homework.


Nutrition Workshops are designed for existing BANA clients who have been assessed and diagnosed to help prepare them for CBT-E. The workshop is run by our RD who will discuss her place in the CBT-E Treatment and the role nutrition plays in recovery.


Recovery Support is a 6 week group program designed for existing BANA clients who have been assessed and diagnosed. We recognize that relapse is a common struggle. Our goal is to continue to support clients in the ongoing recovery journey.


Body Image is a 8 week group designed for existing BANA clients who have been assessed and diagnosed. We know that it is important to help provide the necessary skills to  tackle body image issues and strengthen our clients recovery.


Recovery Support is a 6 week group program designed for existing BANA clients who have been assessed and diagnosed. We recognize that relapse is a common struggle. Our goal is to continue to support clients in the ongoing recovery journey.


Body Image is a 8 week group designed for existing BANA clients who have been assessed and diagnosed. We know that it is important to help provide the necessary skills to  tackle body image issues and strengthen our clients recovery.

In partnership with Windsor Essex Community Health Centre – Teen Health, BANA provides a centralized intake service to residents of Windsor-Essex. Intake services are provided free of charge to all ages. By streamlining inquiries and access to treatment, this allows our team to provide continuity in care.